Visa Departure Calculator

Calculate your Visa Departure date

Important Informations

  • Rihlatravel remind your the dates of departure.
  • We can extend your visa.
  • We offer price lock for flight tickets.
  • We can assist you for all visa related services.

What is a Visa Calculator?

Visa calculator is a straight forward and useful tool which is integrated into almost every travel sites such as the Rihlatravel site for helping their clients to calculate the last day of departure for their visas and permits. A visa calculator will have three simple fields. The first one is to enter the date of arrival, and the second one is for entering the Visa or work permit duration. Once you enter both of these to the respective fields in the site, your last date of departure will be displayed on the third field. Visa calculator is a simple method by which you can confirm the exact date up to which you can legally stay in the UAE without changing the status of your Visa. As a general rule, most countries permit you to stay in the country until the last day of your permit as your day of departure is not counted towards the number of total days you are allowed to remain in the country. Even then, it is always recommended to you allow a few grace days for your departure so that you don't cross your permitted number of days in the country which can happen even if your flight gets delayed for some unforeseen reasons.


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+971 58 167 2333