Rihla Travel – The Passion of Travel
Rihlatravel is an attempt in providing comprehensive travel experiences. Travel has always been a factor of risk and uncertainty. Travel needs thorough study and planning in order to explore the best out of travel. Expert consulting is one of the best ways in alleviating all the bottlenecks of travel procedures and documentations. Time and money can be saved extensively by one expert advice and dedicated services instead of continues research and knocking the doors of different departments. A team, who understands and believes in the philosophy of travel, through incessant experience of journey, decided to create an opportunity to share the fascinating experiences of journey to those who love travel.
Who inspired us?
In nearly 30 years of continues journey, Ibn Battuta traversed North Africa, Egypt, and the Swahili coast; reached Mecca on the Arabian Peninsula, passing through Palestine and Greater Syria en route; swung through Anatolia and Persia to Afghanistan; crossed the Himalayas to India, then Sri Lanka and the Maldives; and reached the eastern coast of China before turning around and zigzagging all the way back to Morocco. Though his prose may not have been the most exhilarating, Ibn Battuta established the science which would eventually become the art of travel writing. Along his journey, he recorded copious observations, notes, insights, and lessons. This magnum opus was preserved by a young scribe who, at the request of Morocco's sultan, spent many months transcribing Ibn Battuta's story, ultimately compiling al-Rihla () or "The Travels". Yes, we are committed to the heroes of ancient world travellers who strived to achieve their never ending goal of "travel the world" with a very limited resources or infrastructure. Ibn Battuta´s life and his passion of travel inspired us to a greater extend. We selected the name from the book of his travel – Al Rihla (The Travels). We dedicate our project to the memories of our great ancient travellers who set out with very limited resources but unlimited determination.
Vision of Rihla Travel
Mission of Rihla Travel
We believe in individualism. Taste of each individual differs from that one of others. This basic theory reflects on individual´s travel preferences in a very big extend. Here we differ from others. We are trying to share our vast travel and industry experiences to the society considering each individual´s tastes and preferences of travel. Our mission is to transform the passion of travel - which is there in everybody´s inner soul – to realistic travel experiences by offering high quality services, tailored to cope with individual preferences, which are indeed affordable to everyone.
Quality Statement of Rihla Travel